GitHub: the satisfaction of working with others
Github is, without a doubt, one of the best places to learn to be a developer but not just that. The people I met along the way usually have a common interest: building something and that’s what happened when I started working in this blog.
When I started to think about making a personal site, as a blog, I looked for a place that I had some familiarity and, also, that I could learn something new. It was in this moment that I’ve found the themes build on Jekyll e I was able to learn what I already knew about HTML, CSS and JavaScript paired with a robust theme system that uses Ruby.
The idea was to create a blog, using both languages that I’m fluent on, Portuguese and English. While looking for something like this I was able to find a theme build on Jekyll developed by a user, here on GitHub, named Mr. Green. The theme, originally, is built using English and Japanese, so I had to do a complete translation of the entire site, the same goes for translating all the elements like dates. Let me explain, dates in English use the format mouth, followed by day and last it’s the year, in Portuguese it’s day, month and year at the end. After that and putting my blog online with GitHub Pages I had in my hands a translation that could be used by other people. So I used a tool that is the most important in this platform, a pull request, this means sharing my translation so the author of the theme can add it as an option to the original project. And this was the reception:
This really made my day and that’s one example of why GitHub is a special place for collaboration between people that want to build and most of all share what they create.
Now, someone that wants to utilize this theme, made on Jekyll, have the possibility to use it in English, Japonese and Portuguese and that’s totally free. Anyone can freely clone this blog, erase my personal content and start in the same way as I’m doing at this moment while typing this text. That’s the magic of open source, someone’s work can help others.
As I said, this is just the beginning of a moment in my life as a developer. Also, to anyone that wants to visit this commit it’s right here in this link.