Vitor DallAcqua
A degree in literature and linguistics from one of the most prestigious universities in Brazil, UNESP.
A degree in Veterinary after 5 years coursing UNESP.
After 10 years in 2, so different, graduations those can tell a little of who I am. Someone that enjoys working with text, that enjoys a challange e, most of all, new experiences. I have dedicated myself from studies in brazilian poetry to the heart conditions of dogs that were treated with corticosteroids. During all this time, while learning so many different things, I kept a passion: technology.
Since my first IBM XT, with a grenn phosphour display, since the days that to build a site you need to take it by floopy disks to your ISP to be published until today, software and hardware were always present in my life. So I decided, at last, that I would turn this passion into my daily work.